Shinobi no Ittoki fans have eagerly awaited the penultimate episode’s release to witness the enthralling confrontation between Ittoki Sakuraba and Kidou Minobe. To avoid bloodshed, the new chief of Iga village, Ittoki, chose to have an audience with Kidou to come to an understanding.
Fearing things would turn bad, he removed himself from the official scroll before making his way to the Koga headquarters. Episode 12 of Shinobi no Ittoki sees Tokisada and Kousetsu joining Ittoki in his quest. Suzaku also arrived at the Koga headquarters to defeat Kidou Minobe.
Keep reading to learn more about Shinobi no Ittoki episode 12 in brief.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for the Shinobi no Ittoki anime series
Shinobi no Ittoki highlights
Ittoki infiltrates Koga headquarters
Episode 12 began with Tokisada and Kousetsu heading towards the Koga headquarters, disregarding Ittoki’s orders to turn back. Tokisada and Kousetsu proclaimed that they were following him out of their own free will. After infiltrating the Koga headquarters, Ittoki, Kousetsu, and Tokisada got surrounded by many Asura robots.
With a spectacular entrance, Kirei and Ryoto stalled the robots by immobilizing them with special grenades. Kirei apologized to Ittoki for betraying his clan. A few Koga ninjas and dozens of Asura robots got in the way of Ittoki, but he defeated them in the blink of an eye by using the secret Ninja Core. However, as he was not adept with the powerful core, its effects took a heavy toll on his body.
Suzaku joins Ittoki
One of Kidou’s associates and Himura Takamine stopped Ittoki and others from entering Kidou’s chamber. However, appearing out of nowhere, Suzaku made an opening for Ittoki with his fire-based techniques. While confronting Kidou, Ittoki offered to give away the secret Ninja Core to Kidou if he agreed to destroy all his Asura robots, ceased his attacks on other villages, admitted all his crimes, and lastly, gave up being a ninja.
However, Kidou refused Ittoki’s terms. The latter revealed his true intentions by saying he killed Yumika because she got in his way, which made the former immensely infuriated. However, Kousetsu helped Ittoki from losing his composure.
The latter recorded everything that happened with a hidden camera that transmitted the data to Shione. With foolproof evidence against Kidou, Shione ordered all NSC personnel to infiltrate the Koga headquarters to arrest the culprit.
Ittoki v/s Kidou
After wearing his ninja gear, Kidou launched a devastating attack on Ittoki with his powerful rifle, but Kousetsu saved him and went unconscious. Ittoki tried to take Kidou down with his blinding speed. However, the former could read the latter's moves easily. Suddenly, Kousetu made an opening for Ittoki by immobilizing Kidou from behind.
After activating the full potential of the secret Ninja Core, Ittoki defeated Kidou in seconds. Despite losing to the former, the latter still held on to his tyrannical ideals and tried to attack him. However, Tokisada made it in time and put his katana through Kidou. Tokisada admitted his crime in front of Shione and bid his goodbyes to Kousetsu and Ittoki. Shione alerted all NSC members to pursue Tokisada.
The scene traversed seven years later. After Shione met Kozo, she learned that Tokisada was still helping Iga village from the shadows. Suzaku became the head of the Koga clan. Yoko took on her father’s factory, and Kirei became a renowned actress. Lastly, Ittoki chose to stick with an ordinary job rather than being a ninja.
Final thoughts on Shinobi no Ittoki episode 12
Episode 12 of Shinobi no Ittoki marked the end of the series. Fans had a lot of expectations from the finale. The penultimate episode didn’t impart a fitting end to the story, as the episode felt rushed and underdeveloped.
The secret Ninja Core was one of the major disappointments of the episode, as the device was presumed to be powerful enough to take down potent individuals like Kidou Minobe with ease. However, Kidou overwhelmed Ittoki as if he was fighting a sparring robot, making the secret Ninja Core look weak.
Overall, the episode managed to enthrall fans with a bewitching action sequence and a few heartwarming moments in the end. The possibility of Shinobi no Ittoki receiving a second installment would be a little speculative since the series is an original production, meaning there are no source materials to adapt from.
Moreover, Shinobi no Ittoki received mixed-to-poor reception from international fans. However, it would be a delight for the admirers of Shinobi no Ittoki if the series gets renewed for a second installment.
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