Porsha Williams addressed the No Justice No Peace movement. Check out the message that she shared on her social media account.
‘We will never stop saying her name #BreonnaTaylor !! I brought my daughter & Mom along to represent #NoJusticeNoPeace We demand a better future for the next generations. With my soul sista @yandysmith @pilarjhena @msdianeofficial #DBlock,’ Porsha captioned her post.
Someone said: ‘You look so cute, Porsha 😍. Beautiful black Queens,’ and another follower posted this: ‘Much much respect need more strong women like y’all to keep up the fight, thank you❤️❤️.’
A commenter said: ‘Facts 🔥🔥say her name justice for all that’s unable we gotta be their voice 🙏🏽’ and a follower said: ‘@porsha4real Better is a subjective term. You feel that your home is better after an exterminator comes and kills all of the pests and rodents. But I doubt that it is better for the pests and the rodents. Hitler also wanted a better future too. It’s just that his better future also included the genocide of, well, mostly everyone else in the world.’
A follower said: ‘So proud of you keep up the fight what a great example you are for your daughter and mines and others 🙌🏽✊🏽’ and a commenteer posted this: ‘I think it has been so cool to watch you grow and become so passionate about social justice. You are an incredible role model! ❤️🙌’
The other day, we were reporting that Porsha Williams dropped an emotional message about Breonna Taylor on her social media account. Check it out.
Someone said: ‘To honor #BreonnaTaylor, we also need to say the name of #JoshuaJaynes, because he’s the detective that lied to get the warrant that led to Breonna’s death; without his lie, the other officers wouldn’t have been there & Breonna would be alive. #ArrestJoshuaJaynes,’ and another follower posted this: ‘Continue to say her name! #BreonnaTaylor 🙏🏾’
Porsha is living her best life these days.