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Person of Interest Recap Shaw, Wanted Dead or Alive: Season 4 Episode 13 M.I.A.

Person of Interest Recap - Shaw, Wanted Dead or Alive: Season 4 Episode 13 "M.I.A."

Tonight on CBS Person of Interest continues with an all new Tuesday February 3, season 4 episode 13 called, “M.I.A.” and we have your recap below. On tonight’s episode, Reese and Root [Amy Acker] search for Shaw in a small town in upstate New York where it becomes apparent that not everything is as idyllic as it seems. Meanwhile, Fusco partners with a former POI to tackle the newest number.

On the last episode, Control (Camryn Manheim) who oversaw the handling of relevant numbers for the government, began to question the methods and intentions of the Samaritan program. Also, alarming news reports of a pair of vigilantes rampaging through the Northeast began to surface. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the CBS synopsis, “Reese and Root’s hunt for Shaw takes them to a small town in upstate New York where it becomes apparent that not everything is as idyllic as it seems. Also, Fusco teams with a former POI to tackle the newest number.”

This is definitely one series that you don’t want to miss. Don’t forget to stay tuned to Celeb Dirty Laundry where we will be blogging every episode of Person of Interest’s fourth season.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

With Reese gone with Root, Harold comes to see Fusco. He asks what he wanted and Fusco asks if it’s one of those people that need saving. He takes the folder from him and says he needs to get out of the station anyway. Reese and Root are in a little town called Maple. It’s founder’s day in the little manufacturing town. Root says the machine doesn’t know anything more. They wonder why Samaritan would have taken Shaw to this little town and Root says monster love small towns.

Fusco looks at the photo of the mark and Harold says his name is Albert Weiss and he’s in town to visit his niece. Fusco says he’s a sad sack then notices someone else is watching her. Dani Silva is watching him and Fusco says she’s IA. Silva spots him and comes over. He curses. She asks if he’s catching sun, on a job or playing hookie. She says she’s out of IA. She says Weiss has shows up on two witness lists in two missing persons cases. She says it’s bad news whatever it is.

Root and Reese go to the police station to ask and see security footage. The chief asks what they’re investigating. Root says it was a triple homicide in Brooklyn and they fled in a refrigerated truck. She turns on the charm and Chief Wicker brings her into his office to use his computer to check the footage. Reese notices that there are some serious guns there for a small town. The beat cop says Wick loves his guns and survived a major scandal before.

Reese tells the guy there are kids spraying graffiti and he runs out. Root says part of the footage is corrupted and Wick says he’ll show it to her if she’ll have dinner. He grabs her butt and she knocks him out. Reese steals some guns and then comes in and tells Root she has to be more careful. She says Shaw must be here in town since the truck entered but never left. She says a silent prayer for Shaw to hang on til they find her.

Reese checks he and Root into a bed and breakfast while she hauls up a suitcase upstairs with the chief shoved into it. He says kidnapping the chief put them on a clock but she says they already were. She yanks the tape off Wick’s mouth and asks about corrupt footage. He says it happens time to time. Harold tells them he found the truck abandoned and in police impound. She says she has to make Wick more comfortable and the chief panics.

Silva and Fusco look over the missing person files and Weiss’ credit card records. His times out of town match the missing persons records. She says Weiss seems like he’s scary. Fusco says all the missing people were gang related and he’d be a great hit man since he seems clean. Fusco says 100 pounds of lye were stolen from Weiss’ hardware store and that’s enough to disappear a lot of bodies. They wonder if he’s in town to kill again.

Root tells Reese to keep his head in the game. She tells him about Schrodinger’s Cat. That if you put a cat into a box with poison, the cat is neither dead or alive until you open it to see. It’s a quantum physics thing. Fusco waits in a bar when Silva shows up. She says Weiss’ truck is out back. He tells her she cleans up nice. They see Weiss drinking tea.

They take a table and she says he’s brought his niece there and she thinks he’s casing a target. His niece isn’t with him today so Fusco says he’s about to make his move. He gets a call and says it’s his mom – it’s really Harold. He tells him Marcus Young works there and has mob ties. He sends him a pic of the guy. Fusco points out Marcus to her and says he’s Weiss’ target.

Weiss goes to follow Marcus and Fusco says to let him handle it. Weiss follows Marcus into the kitchen and starts to pick up a meat tenderizer. Fusco arrests him for trespassing and resisting arrest. Then he bangs his head on the counter and tries to act like Fusco has been brutalizing him. Root and Reese easily get access to the impound lot from Mason Bauer, a drunk running the lot.

They see a news report about a homeless guy in town that just won $10 mill in the lottery. They find the truck and open the back guns drawn. Shaw isn’t in the truck but there’s an empty gurney, a medical drill and saw and lots of blood. Reese says maybe they were trying to save her, but it doesn’t look good. Harold tells them he’s sorry and they wonder if they took Shaw to the hospital. Harold checks the local hospital and doesn’t find her admitted but then Harold sends them info on a neurologist.

Root sits the guy down and Reese says he just worked on her. He says someone called him that night for advice on a craniotomy but he doesn’t know who it was and didn’t call the police. He says bad things happen in town when you ask questions. He says 80% of town was going under when a corporation bought things up – Carrow – and things got better. But anyone who voiced a complaint lost their lives.

The guy says six months ago the new Mayor was a blue collar guy. He shows them an ankle monitor and says he was set up for medical malpractice. They tell him they’re going to talk to Ms Thompson but the guy says they’ll end up dead. They now know that Samaritan runs the factory and is controlling the town. Weiss is released from jail after crying police brutality. Harold and Fusco talk and wonder what would turn a guy like Weiss into a killer.

Harold says he found a home that Weiss owns in Brooklyn under a false name. Fusco asks for an update on Reese and Root’s hunt and Harold says it doesn’t look good. Fusco gives Silva the paper with the address. She says Marcus isn’t a gang banger, but a witness to a gang crime. Silva tells Marcus that the 280 gang hired Weiss to kill him. He says the guy is old but Fusco says he’s dangerous. He tells Silva to wait for him but she says the restraining order says he can’t go.

Reese and Root see that the guy from the impound lot shot the lottery winner and wonder why Samaritan is playing with these people’s lives. Reese spots Ms Thompson. She’s on the phone when Reese comes over and grabs her after telling Root to get the car.

Silva goes to Weiss’ secret house and finds it locked. She picks it and goes inside. In the basement, there’s a grungy bathtub, a cabinet and some boxes. She creeps around some more and then she sees a wall of lye containers. She also finds a large metal vat and some power tools. Weiss is there and he shoots at her. She hides behind a wall then tries to get a shot at him. Shots shatter the glass windows.

Fusco is outside and says Weiss must have run off. Reese checks Thompson’s phone then flushes it. Harold says, at a minimum, Thompson may know what they’re making in the factory and how the people in town are being manipulated. Reese untapes Thompson and she says the police will cone fro her but the chief is in the bathtub. The woman says she just follows instructions she gets in the emails.

She says she lives a nice life if she does what she’s told. She says her real name is Maryann Holst and six months ago she was working in a CVS in Pittsburgh. She says she had a heart attack and woke up six months ago in the Maple Hospital. Harold looks her up and says she’s telling the truth. Reese says she’s an agent now. Harold says he can’t let Root take over the interrogation.

Reese says Thompson is hiding something and if he can’t get it out of her, Root can. Harold begs them to let him try. Harold asks to talk to her and asks about the transponders being made in the factory and the goal. She says she thinks they want people happy. She says she gives people jobs and it makes them happy. They ask her about the doctor. She says the blond woman says there are some setbacks and sacrifices.

She says things have fallen out of balance and Harold says Samaritan is using Maple as an ant farm to study them. Harold says first it made things perfect then decided to shake the ant farm. Thompson says she never meant anyone to get hurt. Harold says she doesn’t know anything. Root pulls out her drill. Harold says they can’t be animals but Reese says she knows something. She says she saw the woman.

She says she saw them taking her into the factory and can help them get in. Root drills a hole in her hand and says if she lies, the next one goes in her head. She asks if the brunette woman was alive when she saw her. The woman says yes. Fusco tells Silva that it doesn’t matter what happened in the basement or what she saw because she went in without a warrant.

She says she could have gotten a confession but he says he saved her life. He tells her that Bill Buchanan was the last cop that looked at them and he’s dead and then it happened again to another cop. He says Weiss may come for them and she says she hopes they try. Thompson pulls up at the factory and she says she’s giving her cousins a tour of the factory.

Dave the security guard welcomes them and lets them in the gate. She shows them to the security suite. She offers Root her password while Reese opens boxes destined for shipment. Root shuts down the security camera. Reese finds microdots in the boxes – invisible GPS trackers. She says Carrow can keep track of your kids backpacks, your keys, anything.

Root asks where they took her and she points to a door she says she has no access to. Reese tells her to duck when the shooting starts. Silva comes home to her apartment and turns on her shower. She pulls off her shirt and closes the door. Weiss comes into the bedroom and grabs the door. He opens it and finds her with her gun out. Franco is there too and asks if he was going to make it look like she killed herself.

Franco puts up his gun and pulls his cuffs then Weiss kicks the bathroom door closed and grapples with Fusco. Silva opens the door and shoots him twice. Root and Reese blow the door open and Root says they better run now. The men choose not to run so they gun them down. They find what Root calls the real project. They are neural implants. Root says they’re going to stick one in Shaw. They drag Thompson along.

A doctor asks them not to shoot but they do anyway. Root finds a woman in the bed. Harold says the blood in the truck wasn’t Shaw’s. The woman says her name is Delia Jones. She asks to go home. Root grabs the doctor and demands to know if there have been any other patients. He says no. They wonder why Delia was at the stock exchange and Harold says she was a secretary.

He says they must have brought her there to experiment on her. Reese says he has to take Delia but Thompson says she’s staying and will quit her job. Reese tells her that she ruined lives by blindly following orders and deserves whatever happens. Root is in a firefight with the other armed men. Reese carries Delia out. Then there’s an explosion and Reese calls out to Root. A guy comes in with a gun and almost fires on him but Root shoots him and takes him out. They leave.

Fusco thanks Silva for saving his ass. She’s sitting in interrogation. He asks if she’s okay and she says it’s her first kill but she had to do it. She says it was ruled a good shooting but she’s been tasked to mandatory counseling. Fusco tells her she killed a bad guy, Marcus is going to testify and says it’s a good day. He tells her she’s a good cop and will see a lot of death.

Harold says he has a cover for Delia but she’ll have to hide. He also says Samaritan shut down the Maple factory and the town will likely go down. Harold meets Root as she’s staring up at a camera. She says – she knows. She says the machine must know if Shaw is alive but won’t tell her. Harold says their only lead brought them to the brink of disaster and they were almost discovered.

Harold says they have to let her go. Root says he gave up days ago. Harold says hope is painful. Root says she just needs an answer if she’s alive or dead. She looks up into the camera and says – please help us. A nearby phone rings at a phone both. Harold answers and he starts taking notes. He writes rapidly then hands the phone to Root. The voice spells out STOP in military lingo.

Harold says perhaps the machine has a plan but he says for their survival and sanity they have to reconcile themselves to never learning the truth so the pursuit of it doesn’t consume them entirely. Root tells him goodbye and walks off. Shaw wakes in a bed and says if this is the afterlife, it sucks. Greer sits by her bedside. He tells her he hopes she got some rest because she’ll need it.


