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Men's happiness in later life is determined by the age of 27

Men who fail to reach their early career goals by the age of 27 may experience a reduced sense of well-being and happiness in later life, new research suggests.

A study from the University of Edinburgh has revealed that men who hold a greater number of jobs (and exhibit other indicators of career instability) between the ages of 15 and 27 are less likely to feel content and accomplished in later life.

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Caroline Brett, the lead researcher for the study, presented her findings today at the British Psychological Society's Annual Conference in Liverpool. Brett, a research associate at the University, surveyed 174 members of the pioneering '6-Day Sample Study' to gather the requisite data.

The '6-Day Sample Study' was established in 1936 as a social project, and shares its structure with Michael Apted's Up series. Each decade, the participants are surveyed on their health, well-being and general satisfaction, and Brett used this mine of raw social data to facilitate the 'Early career aspirations and subsequent well-being in old age' paper.

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Brett found that the male participants of the '6-Day Sample Study' who achieved or exceeded career goals they set at the age of 18 were found to believe, in older age, that life had more meaning. "In men," explains Brett, "unstable early careers or lack of goal attainment appears to be negatively related to their subsequent outlook on life, and the degree to which life makes sense in old age."

Women were similarly found to attach importance to life achievements, but different ones to those valued by men. Whilst a stable and established career topped the list of factors conducive to male happiness, female participants were found to be most satisfied and contented once they had reached a high level of education or experienced upward social mobility.

Caroline Brett nonetheless acknowledges that her septuagenarian subjects grew up in a Britain very different to the UK of today. "I would think that now, because opportunities are more equal than back in 1936, that there wouldn't be as clear a divide between the genders," says Brett. "Our results are very contextual, looking at careers in a post-war market and a time when fewer women were going to university."

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Despite Brett's assertion that factors for happiness might change "even as frequently as every ten years," the fact remains that we still see aspiration disparity between genders today. From modern men reportedly valuing salary over satisfaction to the university gender gap widening, we can see clear indicators that the path to happiness is still very different for each of the sexes.
