Baldur's Gate 3 is a balancing act between good and evil. This is clear right from the beginning when players discover they have a parasitic Mind Flayer tadpole inside their heads. While a terrifying prospect, players will also gain unique powers thanks to these alien creatures. In fact, the game has a completely distinct skill tree called Illithid Powers where players can embrace the dark side.
This will allow players to use powerful Mind Flayer abilities. Before that, however, one needs to meet a few prerequisites. This also includes obtaining items known as Mind Flayer Parasite Specimens. Here's the whole deal, but be careful, there are story spoilers for Baldur's Gate 3 in this guide.
What are Mind Flayer Parasite Specimens used for in Baldur's Gate 3?
These are items in the game that are jars seemingly containing parasites. They are generally dropped from NPCs like bosses. They can be consumed to obtain points which can be invested in the Illithid Powers. Players will find them as early as the Druid's Grove in Baldur's Gate 3. However, it will be a while before they actually unlock the skill tree to use them.
Players cannot use them without unlocking the skill tree. As such, here are the steps to allow players to get on the path which will lead to obtaining Mind Flayer abilities:
1) Rest in camp periodically to eventually trigger a specific cutscene
The campsite is a major feature of Baldur's Gate 3. Players can rest here to restore HP and spell slots while engaging with their party members. However, it is also home to unique events concerning the tadpole within them. As players spend time in camp resting over time, they will trigger various scenes, either with companions or the mysterious guardian.
To unlock Illithid Powers, players need to Long Rest at the campsite until they get a specific cutscene. Here, the Dream Visitor tells the player character they are transforming. The next time players wake up, they will have unlocked the new mechanic, and a Journal update will notify them as much.
2) Consume Mind Flayer Parasite Specimens to obtain Illithid Powers points
After awakening, players will realize their Illithid abilities. Open the inventory to consume the specimens to trigger a cutscene. Here, pick "Open your mind to the tadpole," after which Illithid Powers become available. Players can spend Illithid Potential to gain powerful new spells and passive abilities.
Investing in new skills in the Illithid Powers tree unlocks new, more powerful types. Check our full guide on the topic to know what exciting powers lie in store for those willing to go to great lengths for unparalleled power.
Can other companions consume Mind Flayer Parasite Specimens too?
They can, and this will also allow them to use the abilities of the Mind Flayers. However, players must convince these companions to give in to the temptations of the tadpole to use Illithid Powers. This can be challenging since most, if not all, companions are vary of and despise the Mind Flayers for their evil nature and actions.
Baldur's Gate 3 is out right now on PC via Steam and GOG
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