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How Teddy Atlas went from the harsh streets to a fighting sage

Teddy Atlas was slashed in the face by a flick knife in a street fight in New York as a teenager. It required 400 stitches and has left him with a scar on the left-hand side of his face for life. That groove serves as a reminder of a misspent youth, yet helped Atlas on his journey to being recognised as one of the most respected and astute analysts prizefighting has ever known.

In an exclusive interview of the eve of coaching Timothy Bradley for his trilogy fight with Manny Pacquiao in Las Vegas, Atlas explained that his own early years allowed him to understand the wildness of youth, controlling fear and has led to an instinctive, and deeply caring, understanding of fighters.

Atlas was from a wealthy neighbourhood in Staten Island, New York. His father was a doctor. His mother a model. Yet young Atlas was a tearaway. He rebelled, was arrested, took part in an armed robbery, and served time inside. He had something to prove. Looking back, Atlas, now 59, who famously once held a .38 calibre gun to the ear of a 16-year-old Mike Tyson threatening that he would kill the young fighter if he touched his 11-year-old female relative again, revealed to The Sunday Telegraph that through his misspent youth, he believes all he was really after was his father’s attention.

Dr Theodore Atlas – in whose name Teddy now runs a foundation which works tirelessly with underprivileged communities – was a workaholic physician who insisted on looking after people who could not afford to pay for acute medical care. “He was the busiest doctor in New York. You had to wait five or six hours to see him. He’d give medicines to families who he knew didn’t have the money to pay for the subscriptions,” explained Atlas.

“I wanted to put myself in dangerous positions and I finally realised it was to get my father’s attention. The ones who got all my father’s attention were his patients. They were the ones who were sick and had problems. I was a kid that had everything you could ask for except the attention of my father. So what did I do? I made myself sick. I made myself damaged.”

Yet it provided Atlas with a streetwise a grounding in the difficult scenarios boxers often come from. He helped train young Tyson, and has worked with world champions Barry McGuigan, Michael Moore and Donny Lalonde.

Atlas working with Michael Moorer, in 1994

“Everything’s a journey. It’s your own private journey. You have to sort it out and learn along the way. I got into a street fight, unfortunately. It was my fault. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time and thinking the wrong things and behaving in the wrong way,” Atlas says.

“My attitude wasn’t right. I got into a fight and it should have been fists. I was fighting more than one person. But one of them decided to pull a knife and cut me. Later on I realised that everybody is scared. Even if you have an advantage, you’re still touched by that fear. It’s just a matter of what your choices are in terms of how you handle that fear.”

Boxing, insisted Atlas, is 90 per cent mental. “As a trainer I realise that no matter what situation, or what the odds are, the person can be overwhelmed by fear and make the wrong choices even if they have physical advantages. It’s how you deal with that fear, not your thoughts of it. Break things down with the truth, and you’ll see how simple things can be.

“There’s a right way and a wrong way. In the ring, there’s not a lot of room for mistakes. You’re in a place that is chaos, that is on fire. That ring is not a comfortable place. It is an uncommon place. If we have anything in common as humans it’s the instinct to survive. When you go in the ring you are going against that instinct. You’re running into conflict instead of away from That’s when the complexity really begins.”

These are the moments, Atlas explained, that he trains fighters for and which separate the good from the great in the mental and physical chess match of prizefighting. “Who recognises and controls the fear best? Who channels it best? You don’t avoid those conflicts and those feelings in the actual fight. It’s a matter of getting to a place where you can control them better than the other guy. If you didn’t have fear there’d be something wrong with you. I’ve had fighters obviously who have been able to deal with it better than others.”

Atlas credits Cus D’Amato, who discovered and nurtured Tyson, as his mentor. “I spent seven years upstate with Cus from the age of 18 to 26. I wanted to be a boxer. I won the Golden Gloves. But I then couldn’t box anymore and Cus asked if I wanted to be a trainer. All I did was train fighters after that. I was young, Cus was older. It was like doing a master’s degree in boxing but there was no graduation. I didn’t have to put one of those silly hats on and have my picture taken. The graduation day for me was when one of my guys won a title. I just hoped my dad would see that and know that.”

Dr Theodore Atlas died just before the Evander Holyfield- Michael Moorer fight, when the trainer’s fighter Moorer won the world heavyweight crown.

“My father knew I was in a good place by then and had stuck with the right business and was doing the right things. He didn’t get to see the end result of it. I just hope he knew that we were on the right path, and that he was proud of me.”
