A few years ago, Matt Bomer discussed how he screen tested for the role of Superman back when Brett Ratner was the leading contender to helm the upcoming reboot. Apparently, the guy was in the full tights and costume regalia and eveything (swoon), and I think Matt would have made a great Superman even though he obviously would have needed to bulk up substantially for the film. Then the reboot switched directions and directors (while Superman became a former longshoreman), and another actor was ultimately chosen for the role, which isn’t a big deal because stuff like this happens in Hollywood all the time. Besides, everyone loves Matt Bomer, right?
Well, it turns out that the studio (Warner Bros Pictures) making Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel (allegedly) doesn’t love Matt Bomer. This little tidbit comes from (oddly enough) novelist Jackie Collins, who mentioned in an interview that Bomer was in fact the man for the job until the studio started to worry about casting a gay man as Superman. So the role went to Henry Cavil and his non-CGI abs, which is slightly amusing because Cavill was once mistaken for Bomer by one of our photo agencies. They do look similar even if one is a Brit and one hails from the States. I have to wonder where Collins is getting her information on this slight of Bomer, but it could be true, and it’s not like he’d say anything about it in public anyway. Bomer is too classy for that. Here’s the lowdown:
Romantic novelist Jackie Collins claims US actor Matt Bomer was refused the role of Superman in the upcoming Man of Steel movie because he is gay.
Collins says it’s “tremendously hard” for Hollywood actors to come out and cites Matt Bomer as an example of how a star’s sexuality can adversely affect his or her career.
“Matt Bomer, who is the most gorgeous looking guy and the star of ‘White Collar,’ he was up for the role of Superman,” she said during an interview with Gaydar Radio.
“He had not come out of the closet but people in the know knew he was gay. His audition tape went in and he called up the agent. Someone didn’t like him and told them he was gay. They said, ‘No, no, we can’t cast you.’ The reason he didn’t get cast was because he was gay.
“I think it should change but there are women out there who want to worship somebody. If Justin Bieber said he was gay, he’d lose all his little girl fans. It’s a sad fact of life. So a lot of them get married, have a couple of kids and pretend to be straight.”
The glamorous author, who is promoting her latest book The Power List, also discussed US politics. She slammed both major parties, slamming the Republicans for their ‘ridiculous’ views on gay people and blasted Obama for not doing enough for LGBT rights.
“Obama only came out (in support of gay marriage) and said something because he was forced to,” she said. “He kind of slid out to say that and then has never mentioned it again since because he doesn’t want to lose a certain group of voters.”
Collins added: “I want the Democrats to stay out of my pocket books and I want the Republicans to stay out of my bedroom.”
[From Gay Star News]
Honestly, there were so many Hollywood dudes up for the role (including good-looking idiot Joe Manganiello — can you imagine?), and I’m sure a huge number of factors went into the decision of who should play the latest incarnation of Superman. I would hope that the filmmakers didn’t nix Bomer as a possibility merely because he’s gay, but I’m sure Warner Bros Pictures took that into consideration too because they wouldn’t want to lose any potential ticket sales from the close-minded crowd. Not that sexual orientation really matters when a character is wearing tights as part of his costume, right?
On the Justin Bieber thing, who knows if the kid is really gay — I tend to think that he isn’t, but that’s just my take on him. Of course he would lose some female fans if he ever came out as gay because those girls would be crushed that they could no longer dream of marrying him. If he had a fanbase actually based on talent (which he doesn’t), then maybe it would be different. As far as I can tell, most of Bomer’s fans are aware of his respective talent level, so his career is still trucking along mightily regardless of his sexuality.
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