This week’s Bachelorette saw the story of how Clare Crawley and Dale Moss got engaged. Although Clare swore on her father’s grave that she had no contact with Moss before filming the show, she did admit that she had been scoping him out via social media.
Clare is the first Bachelorette in history to make it clear who she wanted from the first episode of the show. After Dale introduced himself to her and went inside the La Quinta, she said that she thought she just met her husband.
Usually, bachelorettes meet their prospective husbands much sooner than Clare did. Considering the state of the world, she wasn’t able to start filming until months after originally planned which gave her quite some time to do some social media stalking which resulted in an advantage for the former pro-football player.
Throughout the first three episodes of the season, viewers and contestants saw that she was so into Dale that she wasn’t giving anyone else a chance.
Thank you for acknowledging the raw and realness in a journey where a lot of people are committed to misunderstanding ❤️ https://t.co/cVTg9FlTEH
— Clare Crawley (@Clare_Crawley) October 26, 2020
After cancelling the mixer and rose ceremony, Crawley sat down with host Chris Harrison to explain her feelings for Moss.
‘When we first stopped filming because of COVID and had to go into quarantine, everything was kind of stacked against me. I couldn’t have contact with anybody. I would look at all of the guys’ social media pages just to see what kind of guys were coming on, which kind of guys I would be with, and I was excited. But when I would see Dale’s, it was just was like … he was someone I could see hanging out with. I like what he talks about, I like what he’s interested in.’
She went on to explain the exact moment she knew Dale would be the one that she could see herself with.
‘I happened to look at his social media and it was close to the anniversary that his mom passed away, and I could just relate so much and my heart was so heavy for him. My heart went out for him. I would see his sister in a care facility and I relate to that, because my mom’s in the same situation. It was so parallel, it was definitely built up before we got here.’
That is when producers decided to have her spend the day and night with Dale and even made him decide if he was going to propose or not. Luckily, he had the same strong feelings for her and they are currently living happily ever after.