The Monopoly Go Epic Myths event returned on November 24, 2023, with plenty of new milestones and rewards. It replaced the Thanksgiving-themed Blessed Feast event to remind tycoons that the Epic Myths season will be ending in a week. You can gather points by landing on specific milestones so as to grab all the rewards and progress faster.
This article provides a complete list of Monopoly Go Epic Myths event rewards for tycoons. Check out which milestones contain tokens for the partner's event or can earn you sticker packs that will aid in victory.
Complete Monopoly Go Epic Myths rewards list and more
Having kicked off on November 24, 2023, the Epic Myths event features 48 milestones. This three-day event will end on November 27, 2023. Therefore, you must act fast to grab all the rewards from this event.
Here is a list of all the rewards you can earn from this latest Monopoly Go Epic Myths event:
Event milestones | Points | Rewards |
1 | 5 | 70 Thanksgiving Partners tokens |
2 | 10 | 15 dice rolls |
3 | 10 | Cash Rewards |
4 | 10 | Green Sticker pack |
5 | 55 | 80 dice rolls |
6 | 15 | 80 Thanksgiving Partners tokens |
7 | 20 | 10 Mins Rent Frenzy |
8 | 20 | Green Sticker pack |
9 | 25 | 120 Thanksgiving Partners tokens |
10 | 150 | 220 dice rolls |
11 | 30 | Cash Rewards |
12 | 35 | 150 Thanksgiving Partners tokens |
13 | 35 | Green Sticker pack |
14 | 40 | 180 Thanksgiving Partners tokens |
15 | 300 | 375 dice rolls |
16 | 40 | Cash Rewards |
17 | 45 | 55 dice rolls |
18 | 50 | Pink Sticker Pack |
19 | 55 | 210 Thanksgiving Partners tokens |
20 | 600 | Event-exclusive token and 200 dice rolls |
21 | 55 | 60 dice rolls |
22 | 60 | Pink Sticker pack |
23 | 65 | 230 Thanksgiving Partners tokens |
24 | 60 | Cash Rewards |
25 | 1K | 1.1K dice rolls |
26 | 70 | Five Mins Cash Grab |
27 | 100 | Orange Sticker pack |
28 | 110 | 250 Thanksgiving Partners tokens |
29 | 125 | Cash Rewards |
30 | 1.3K | 1.35K dice rolls |
31 | 175 | 270 Thanksgiving Partners tokens |
32 | 250 | 175 dice rolls |
33 | 300 | Blue Sticker pack |
34 | 280 | 300 Thanksgiving Partners tokens |
35 | 1.6K | 1.6K dice rolls |
36 | 400 | Cash Rewards |
37 | 600 | Blue Sticker pack |
38 | 700 | 350 Thanksgiving Partners tokens |
39 | 800 | Cash Rewards |
40 | 3K | 2.8K dice rolls and Purple Sticker pack |
41 | 850 | 500 Thanksgiving Partners tokens |
42 | 900 | Purple Sticker pack |
43 | 950 | 700 dice rolls |
44 | 3.2K | Cash Rewards and 650 dice rolls |
45 | 1K | 1.5K dice rolls |
46 | 1.2K | Cash Rewards |
47 | 1.4K | Golden Blue Sticker pack |
48 | 1.5K | 650 Thanksgiving Partners tokens |
49 | 6K | Golden Blue Sticker Pack and 7K dice rolls |
Epic Myths has been a recurring event this season, with this being its third in-game appearance. It has brought special rewards besides the usual dice rolls and cash rewards to help you complete the Thanksgiving Partners event faster.
You need to gather oven mitts to complete the partner's event, and you will get plenty of them from this event. However, there are other ways to grab these tokens as well.
You should also collect as many golden sticker packs as possible and complete your albums quickly. The sticker collection event will end with the Epic Myths season.
How to win more from Monopoly Go Epic Myths event
Winning in the latest event is easier said than done. The event-exclusive tokens (ancient scrolls) are scattered all around the board. You need to land on tiles featuring the tokens to gather points, and you will get the rewards once you have the requisite points to clear the milestones.
You will earn two points for landing on specific tiles, which is not a lot considering the points required to clear some of the milestones. Feel free to use roll multipliers and increase your winnings.
The new Monopoly Go Epic Myths event's rewards can help you complete the partner's event faster for the most lucrative prizes. However, a glitch has been creating problems for players when they are trying to complete the event. If you are in the same boat, here are a few possible fixes.
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