Alex Borstein plays Susie Myerson on The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel and voices Lois Griffin on The Family Guy. I never took to Mrs. Maisel but in the episodes I watched, Alex was about the only thing I liked. Alex recently did one of those “What’s in My Bag” series with US Magazine. As an aside, I participated in a “What’s in My Bag” bit on a former website I worked, and we got pilloried for it. We were written off as vapid and trite. You know what – eff you, literary snobs. Sometimes writing is just for fun and if you pay attention, you can learn from a “frivolous fluff piece.” Needless to say, I discovered a few things about Alex that I didn’t know before and they all made me like her even more. Here are some highlights of the contents of Alex’s bag, starting with the fact that she’s launched a detachable sleeve collection.
Cold Shoulder: “I’ve created a detachable sleeve called Henabee’s. I think armpits and arms, even if they’re toned, look like raw chicken in the sink. So I like to beautifully cover myself.”
The Bright Side: “Lorac has a cool glittery eye pencil that comes in silver. It looks like you fell asleep and a fairy s—t on your eyes.”
Sound Bites: “I always have a snack in here for the kids, usually peanuts or raisins. I call it ‘shut-up food.’”
You can read what else Alex’s carrying in her purse here. It’s a lot of brand-name dropping, as all their pieces are, but I haven’t tried most of them, so I don’t want it to read like an endorsement. I was intrigued by that eye pencil she mentioned, though, the Lorac one. I might have to check that out. The Henabee’s sleeves she’s created, that can be purchased here, are currently limited to black. But they come in polka-dots, plaid, lace or plain. The Henabee’s page say Alex has “been inspired by vintage burlesque and she wanted Henabee’s to have the same sexy and fun feel.” I’ve always neglected my arms, even when I did workout, so I’m a big fan of sleeves, I’m the one who asked CB to find some 3/4 sleeve options for her Amazon post. I added sheer-fitted sleeves to my wedding dress. I even have a couple of these, which may not actually make my arms look better but psychologically, it helps my confidence. So I’m very happy to discover Alex’s Henabee’s collection. I hope she’s able to expand the line with a variety of lengths and colors. It’s a simple, sexy, fun fix, just as she intended.
The other item in her bag I truly appreciated was an Evelyn Hotel key card. Alex started her interview by saying that, as a single mom, she relies on hotels for her hookups. She keeps her key cards and writes, “the dates of my encounters on them.” I love this. I giggled a little because I kept many of my card keys from hotels I loved when I used to travel for work. I have a pretty sizable stack of them. I’m tempted to write random dates on them and freak my friends out. I think my big take-away from this article is that I’d probably really dig hanging out with Alex. She’s sounds clever and fun and we could trade sleeves when we saw each other.
Photo credit: WENN Photos and Instagram