Robert Walden is one of the most prominent serial killers and r*pists in the history of Tucson, Arizona. Active from 1989 to 1992, Walden was eventually convicted of r*ping four women and murdering two more, but it is likely that the real count is considerably higher. Walden's story has been the subject of many shows and documentaries, including ID's Evil Lives Here.
Walden successfully led a double life the entire time, carefully warding off suspicion. He was married to Cathy Mills the whole time, who was not aware of his "side hustle" either. Walden was eventually apprehended after authorities linked DNA evidence from multiple crime scenes and received a composite sketch made from the testimonies of surviving victims.
The episode, which covered many details of the murderer, originally aired on October 19, 2021, on Investigation Discovery and is currently available on Apple TV+. The case is replete with chilling details that would engage even veteran true crime fans.
Five chilling details about Robert Walden
1) Justice John Kelly showed mercy to Robert Walden when he was first caught
Robert Walden was first charged with attacking two women in separate incidents in Tucson, with one being a hit-and-run case. Instead of prison time, Justice John Kelly decided to give Robert a chance by sending him to a boot camp. Walden, however, was kicked out of boot camp before the completion of the program.
Instead of being sent to prison this time as well, Walden was put on strict probation.
2) Walden's first assault was in 1989 while he was working as an exterminator
Robert Walden was on intense probation after his stint at the boot camp, but he got a job at the Arizona Chemical Service Company as an exterminator, which gave him access to almost all parts of the city unsupervised. This is when a string of violent assaults took place across the state. The first such case took place on August 9, 1989.
3) Over time, Robert Walden moved to killing his victims
Robert initially began his career as a criminal by raping women. These attacks were mostly random and took place in apartment buildings and complexes. His habitual assaults turned into a murder spree when he attacked 31-year-old Nola Jean Knight, whom he killed while assaulting. The woman's naked and battered body was later discovered by her husband behind a local store.
Walden has also been investigated as a potential serial killer.
4) Over 300 tips were received after Walden's composite sketch
When the police released a composite sketch of the suspect, they allegedly received over 300 calls from witnesses who claimed to have seen or encountered Robert. The calls included Robert's probation officer and his wife, Cathy Mills.
Mills allegedly found out that her husband was a serial killer only after she saw the composite sketch.
5) Robert Walden was sentenced to death but has appealed multiple times
Robert Walden was sentenced to death for murder and s*xual assault in 1992. However, he appealed several times including once when he claimed that he should be tried separately for all crimes.
As of today, February 2022, Robert still sits on Arizona's death row. His latest appeal was rejected in 2021.
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